
Welcome to the All Our Sins appendix!

On this page you’ll find art, playlists, and more information that helps expand the world AOS takes place in.

If you’re an AOS Insider, you can also access the Insiders Only page.

About All Our Sins

All Our Sins (AOS) is a project that first manifested when I was ten, apparently. (I recently uncovered a set of very yellowed handwritten papers from 1998 that contain a scribbled note referring to 1991 as the first concept date!)

It’s undergone a number of iterations over the years as I grew as a person and became more well-read. Originally it featured human beings, ninjas, and genetic experimentation. The drafts back then read like anime! (Very bad anime.) It quickly evolved to exclude humans completely and has since taken on a life of its own.

It’s had several names: Steps to Vengeance, Spear of Destiny, Madora Myst, Saving Madora, Heart of the Empire. The current title, All Our Sins, comes from the VNV Nation song of the same name which (with a few minor lyrical changes) struck me as being a great embodiment of where the project was going.

Originally, AOS was going to be just one book with a potential sequel. But because I suffer from a writing affliction called plot expansion, it’s now grown.

The First Sin

Book 1
Adult Galactic Fantasy
The beginning of the end…
Status: In revision
Trigger Warnings


Book 2
Adult Galactic Fantasy
528 years after TFS, the skarastaja haven’t forgotten the skydemons.
Status: Drafting
Trigger Warnings

Sin Beyond Redemption

Book 3
Adult Galactic Fantasy
918 years after EMG, the årdrakin continue fucking shit up.
Status: Drafting
Trigger Warnings

Thunder Within

Companion Novel
Adult Galactic Fantasy
Dezÿrí ran away from home. What happened to her?
Status: Not started


Book 4
Adult Galactic Fantasy
The prophecy has been fulfilled. Will the årdrakin survive the apocalypse?
Status: Not started


Book 5
Adult Galactic Fantasy
Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Status: Not started


Book 6
Adult Galactic Fantasy
It’s time to make peace.
Status: Not started


— 28.Oct.2023 —

Kohakú is the epitome of elegance, even at 639 years old. She's a grandmaster yåsví, or tailor (fashion designer!), and features in the first few chapters of Sin Beyond Redemption.


— 16.Sep.2023 —

It's Kalaanë with her hair down! She's wearing the Clan Tsinna traditional armor. This was a fun picture to draw, as I got to try a lot of new techniques. She's posing in a classic Sailor Venus pose.


— 19.Aug.2023 —

I jumped ahead for this piece. Shazarel is a character from Book 3 but I couldn't resist drawing her now. She's beautiful ... and deadly.


— 23.Oct.2022 —

My first attempt at drawing a skarastaja came out not too badly. This is Cerobi, the Holy One, and leader of the Whole.


— 22.Sep.2023 —

Rawr! Daríus is a fierce fighter. Here he is going into battle in Clan Aeråna armor.

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Music that Inspires AOS

There are multiple AOS playlists available from my Spotify profile.
Be sure to ♥ the playlists to add them to your Spotify account so you don’t miss out when I add new music!

The First Sin

Listen to the unofficial OST to The First Sin, the first book in the All Our Sins series. Currently runs at 23 songs of various genres.

Sin Beyond Redemption

Sin Beyond Redemption, the unofficial OST to the third book. This 26-song playlist is a work-in-progress.


The unofficial OST to the fourth book. This playlist currently runs at 21 songs.

Thunder Within

Listen to the unofficial OST to Thunder Within, the companion novel. This playlist is a work-in-progress.


Retribution, the unofficial OST to the fifth book, has 11 songs so far.


Atonement, the unofficial OST to the sixth book, has only three songs on it so far.


This playlist contains songs that provide general inspiration for the series as a whole.

Master List

This Master List contains almost all AOS music, regardless of title
(including the General songs).
The playlist runs almost seven hours!

Want Even More Content?

Visit the Akrodaxis Official Wiki, the comprehensive guide to AOS and more. The wiki contains over 65,000 words of lore!
Note: The wiki is currently for AOS Insiders only. Want in? Check here for more info.
When TFS is published, the wiki will open up to the public.

6 thoughts on “Appendix

  1. OoOo, I like the new info here. Can’t wait to read it

  2. Can’t wait to read this again. I have been a fan of this for YEARS!

  3. Color me EXCITED.


    I am so happy to have watched this story (and your artistic endeavors) develop through the years.

    1. OMG hi! And thank you! All the work I’ve done on this story recently has been very enjoyable and satisfying. It’s going to be great to start rolling out more concrete info so everyone can (hopefully) enjoy it with me. :D

  4. Still in love with this story, even after all of these years

    1. Me too. :) I’ve been able to rework a lot of the plot in recent months! I’m so close to being able to start the rewrites. Brainstorming with a few other people has been a big help. There are just a few holes left to plug!

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