AOS Intro
All Our Sins
Destiny forged by prophecy.

All Our Sins is a work-in-progress galactic fantasy series by
Canadian indie author Cheyenne Brammah.

AOS is an exciting and spicy character-driven series involving dangerous and sometimes dark and gruesome events on worlds with alien cultures and incredible technologies, where things can go from bad to worse and the ending may or may not be happy.

There are six novels planned for the series, plus one companion story. Book one, The First Sin, is in the revision phase, while the second and third books, Emergence and Sin Beyond Redemption, are being drafted. The other four books will follow in due time.

Explore this website to learn more about AOS!

(Placeholder covers. Actual covers coming soon!)

TFS Blurb
The First Sin
No home. No honor. No future.

In the sweeping expanse of the Årdrakin Empire, people live for a thousand years. They fight and die for honor as elite warriors of the galaxy. But each day might be their last for a different reason: 128,000 years ago, Älår spoke a prophecy presaging the apocalypse. Ancient as it is, the Mother Goddess's avatar ensures it is never far from the årdrakin mind, because the end is coming. And so, the warriors wonder: when will the empire die?

One of these warriors is Tårik, a guard for small, independent Clan Tsinna. Instead of pondering the fall of his civilization, Tårik's greatest concern is maintaining his honor while escorting a group of impertinent dignitaries across the treacherous Barren Gale. When the Mother Goddess speaks a passage from the prophecy to him, he has the good sense to be frightened, but doesn't heed the significance of Her visit.

Then disaster strikes, branding Tårik as drazík—an exile—leaving him with no home, no honor, no future. Forced into a desperate struggle for survival, all Tårik can focus on is living just one more day. He has no time or energy for prophecy. Yet it continues to loom, signaling that his fate, and the fate of the empire, may be irrevocably entwined.

Can he escape the fate the goddess has in store for him?

(Placeholder cover. Actual cover coming soon!)

EMG Blurb
The Whole never forgets.

528 years after the events of The First Sin, the skarastaja take to the stars and announce their presence to the galactic community.

Senmatu, the Holiest of Holy Ones, wishes to lead her people on a holy crusade against the årdrakin, the still-hated skydemons of old.

But the galactic community is far more diverse and expansive than Senmatu and her people expect. Finding themselves ill-prepared for the galaxy they've just joined, Senmatu must now fight for acceptance...and for justice.

(Placeholder cover. Actual cover coming soon!)

SBR Blurb
Sin Beyond Redemption
Your world belongs to us.

918 years after the events of Emergence, the skarastaja have become the alien trash of the galaxy, and it's up to the årdrakin to maintain the Reclusion that keeps them penned in.

Then, a surprising discovery: Berwen contains senecíní, a rare and highly prized crystal previously thought to only occur on the årdrakin homeworld.

This discovery has serious ramifications. The Årdrakin Empire's economy depends on monopolizing the production of senecíní stardrives. Controlling the availability of the crystal is exactly what Empress Shazarel knows she must do, even if it means triggering the next sign of Älår's prophecy.

But after seeing the disastrous, murderous way Shazarel handles herself, Zalanthír, the leader of Clan Yodesí, sets his sights on Shazarel herself. He will do anything to remove her from power, restore honor to the empire, and hopefully stave off progression of the apocalypse.

(Placeholder cover. Actual cover coming soon!)

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Meet the Characters


— Book One: The First Sin —

Tårik is an optimistic, caring young man from an upper midblood family with connections to Clan Tsinna's leadership. After graduating from the armada academy, he was handpicked by Jälen to join Clan Tsinna's guard and has been serving under him for almost twenty years. He can be impulsive, is eager to prove himself, and loves Kalaanë very much.

Art by Cheyenne Brammah.


— Book One: The First Sin —

A sometimes temperamental highblood who feels all people should be treated with respect regardless of what caste they come from. Kalaanë is very loyal to Clan Tsinna and believes the clan doesn't need to seek help from others. A follower of Årdra, she often prays when stressed. She has been serving as a së'shåzal (second rank) in Clan Tsinna's clan guard for thirty-one years.


— Book One: The First Sin —

As a lowblood, Jälen has had to claw his way up through life for every one of his achievements, and is fiercely proud of his progress. However, he became së'nåzal (first rank) of Adya Tårann's guard when his predecessor Daríus disappeared. He rejects the idea that being exiled is the end of everything and strives to regain his honor—at any cost.


— Book One: The First Sin —

A man with a mysterious past, Daríus was once së'nåzal (first rank) of Adya Tårann's clan guard, with Jälen as his second-in-command. A talented fighter who taught Jälen everything he knows, he disappeared one day without a word and Adya Tårann would not say where he had gone or why.

Art by Cheyenne Brammah.


— Book One: The First Sin —

As the Holy One, Cerobi is both warrior and leader to the Whole, a community of skarastaja living on planet Berwen. She reveres and fears Talgor the Destroyer, the skarastaja sun god. Cerobi is in love with her clerics Tokaio and Atitim.

Art by Cheyenne Brammah.


— Book 3: Sin Beyond Redemption —

Shazarel is aelkôn (sovereign) of the Årdrakin Empire. She came to power by defeating Aelkôn Avinôr in combat after challenging him for the throne. Shazarel is beautiful ... and deadly, and when she learns the skarastaja's secret she will stop at nothing to possess it herself.

Art by Cheyenne Brammah.


— Book 3: Sin Beyond Redemption —

Kohakú of Clan Shúrai-Nåwåtílí is a grandmaster yåsví (tailor) serving Zhiska Dreeka and Dreeka's Circle. She specializes in designing formal robes and regalia for the senior clergy using traditional fabrics rather than wetware. It's during her trip to trade station Jita that she, along with Zai'al, makes a startling discovery about the skarastaja.

Art by Cheyenne Brammah.

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The First Sin – An Epic Galactic Fantasy

Found Family

When you’ve lost your blood relatives and your clan, what else can you do but rely on your closest friends for love and support?



How far will you go and what will you do to survive when disaster strikes? Would you do anything to satisfy your physical and emotional needs?

First Contact

In the pivotal moments when you first meet another species, do you make friends or foes? Maybe…both?

The First Sin Reviews

What People Are Saying

Brammah torments her characters in ways reminiscent of George R R Martin but their resourcefulness in surviving her evil schemes had me turning pages until the surprising conclusion! I eagerly await their next adventure!

— Chris Tice, critique partner —

The First Sin Reviews

What People Are Saying

I’m so happy and honored to have been a fan of this for so LONG! The story always keeps me coming back for [more], and I love reading (and re-reading) the chapters. I feel like if the characters were to pop up in real life, I would know them. Keep up the good work =3

— Venus, super fan —

The First Sin Reviews

What People Are Saying

Seriously though, your writing is amazing and I really have no criticisms at all! It flowed well and didn't have any strange breaks or didn't have anything that was super confusing. I cannot wait to read more!

— Celebrimo, alpha reader —

The First Sin Reviews

What People Are Saying

Ciradår is such an asshole, but quite an interesting character too, I am loving it so far! Like where one moment he is taking cheap shots at them being comfortable with the "lax standards" and the next he is stepping up to lead them through danger. But my gods these poor buggers are being put through the wringer! The scene with the tail made my eyes water.

— Mat, supportive husband —

The First Sin Reviews

What People Are Saying

I do like darker stories ... So that definitely works for me. I am hit and miss with Sci-fi, I got burnt out on it when I was younger (most of my family are Sci-fi fans), but I like that you built different cultures really well. I do like world building, especially if it feels unique and The Whole is an interesting mix of hive mind and being self aware. ... It seems like a well thought out series and I am curious to see what happens next.

— Desdemona, alpha reader —

The First Sin Reviews

What People Are Saying

Chapter Four was a great chapter, and I can see why it was so draining for you to write. That sandstorm was great! I loved the little culture tidbits. Ok, next chapter now, yes?

— Melissa R. Stone, author —

The First Sin Reviews

What People Are Saying

I liked all of this, and especially the way you ended Chapter Four. The writing is excellent.

— Luigi, alpha reader —

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About the Author

Cheyenne, also known as Iron Dragon, has been writing since a young age. She loves character-driven science fiction and fantasy stories that are epic in scope and complexity. She also has a professional editing background and enjoys being a beta reader.

When she’s not writing or reading, Cheyenne dyes yarn, crochets, knits, plays video games, and enjoys nature photography. Visit her yarn shop at!

Cheyenne, pictured with her wonderful husband Mathew, lives in beautiful Cochrane, Alberta, in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains.

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