Hey members, it’s another huge update for AOS! Here’s what’s new:
- Årdrakin Anatomy: Updated with some new information about how the årdrakin body works.
- Årdrakin Character Profiles: New characters have been added! There have also been minor updates to the other pre-existing character profiles, such as added name meanings (in some instances) and notes about which book(s) each character appears in.
- Årdrakin Clans: New! Read about the functions clans perform within årdrakin society and how alliances work.
- Årdrakin Notable Locations: Updated with some new locations plus added notes and name changes to some pre-existing locations.
- Årdrakin Religion: New! Learn about årdrakin beliefs and deities, including the epic tale of the god of their netherworld.
- Årdrakin Society: Updated notes on various aspects of årdrakin society, including a new section about social classes.
- Berwen Fauna: The skarastaja live underground. What do they use as a light source? Read this article to find out.
- Berwen Flora: The snail described in the Fauna article is only half the equation when it comes to lighting the skarastaja spaces. Check here for information on the plant the snail uses to support itself.
- Berwen Planet: Updated with some new notes about what it’s like to live on this world.
- Skarastaja Character Profiles: A new character has been added!
These updates have been possible largely as the result of all the brainstorming that has gone on recently for the first book, The First Sin. I also have to credit the story bible software Campfire for allowing me to get so many of my notes in order, therefore revealing things that I have available to share that went unnoticed before.
There’s still a lot more to do in order to flesh out this universe. I need to do more with figuring out who the skarastaja are and how their society works before I can move forward with outlining The First Sin. I also still have another big project for AOS in the wings that will still be a while in coming, but parts of it have already proved useful for the articles listed above.
As always, feedback is appreciated! I can’t thank everyone enough for their thoughts and insights.
Not a member? You won’t be able to access any of this material. Sadface! But if you’re curious about AOS and want access, please support me on Ko-Fi by choosing the “All Our Sins” membership tier.
Yay, snail lamps!
Glad you were able to put all of this together lately and make some good progress with your writing.