It’s a terrible affliction, plot expansion. Many writers suffer from it, where it seems as if every time they turn around, their story is getting bigger and more complicated.
I suffer from plot expansion. Continue reading Plot Expansion
It’s a terrible affliction, plot expansion. Many writers suffer from it, where it seems as if every time they turn around, their story is getting bigger and more complicated.
I suffer from plot expansion. Continue reading Plot Expansion
It’s done.
Actually… It’s been done for a while. I finished the first draft of The First Sin on August 26, 2023! That’s four years, nine months, and six days to write. Incredible. I did feel a bit like Frodo when I realized I could finally write “The End”. Continue reading Revisions Are Go! And SBR!
Greetings! It’s been a long time since I’ve written about The First Sin or anything to do with All Our Sins, so let’s see where things are at, shall we?
Just as a reminder, The First Sin is the first book in the All Our Sins series. I have public information about the series posted in the site’s appendix. The abbreviation I use for The First Sin is TFS and for All Our Sins it’s AOS. Continue reading TFS Progress Report
Hey members, it’s another huge update for AOS! Here’s what’s new: