It’s a terrible affliction, plot expansion. Many writers suffer from it, where it seems as if every time they turn around, their story is getting bigger and more complicated.
I suffer from plot expansion. Continue reading Plot Expansion
It’s a terrible affliction, plot expansion. Many writers suffer from it, where it seems as if every time they turn around, their story is getting bigger and more complicated.
I suffer from plot expansion. Continue reading Plot Expansion
It’s done.
Actually… It’s been done for a while. I finished the first draft of The First Sin on August 26, 2023! That’s four years, nine months, and six days to write. Incredible. I did feel a bit like Frodo when I realized I could finally write “The End”. Continue reading Revisions Are Go! And SBR!
Greetings! It’s been a long time since I’ve written about The First Sin or anything to do with All Our Sins, so let’s see where things are at, shall we?
Just as a reminder, The First Sin is the first book in the All Our Sins series. I have public information about the series posted in the site’s appendix. The abbreviation I use for The First Sin is TFS and for All Our Sins it’s AOS. Continue reading TFS Progress Report
Happy 2022! I hope you’re getting this year off to as best a start as you can, despite the pandemic.
If it’s been a while since you’ve been to my website, you’re probably wondering, What the heck? Yes, it’s had a makeover! This actually happened at the end of November. 2021 presented me with some challenges, and in the end, I decided to pivot from yarn dyeing to focusing on my writing. The yarn shop is still up and still has skeins in it for sale, but for the time being I’ll be stepping back from dyeing unless I happen to have some spare time and feel in the mood for it. Continue reading Happy New Year!