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Review: Star Nomad

Star Nomad cover.
Star Nomad by Lindsay Buroker.

This was a quick, cute read. Not “cozy”, as some might take cute to mean, but still…cute. I enjoyed the story a lot and am curious to see where it goes.

I did feel the pace was a bit slow at first, but things definitely ramp up once the ship has left the planet. I also felt like I wanted there to be more developing plot-wise as I read, but I understand this is the first in a long series of books so I suppose the juicier stuff will happen later.

Still a good read. Four stars!

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My Anticipated Reads for 2024

2023 Goodreads Reading Challenge
My 2023 Goodreads Reading Challenge progress. :(

In 2023, my Goodreads reading challenge was set pretty low. I set a goal of just five books for the year because I knew I was going to be spending a lot of time working on my own books, and also reading (and rereading) my critique partners’ WIPs. These WIPs are fabulous books, but they couldn’t officially count toward my reading challenge since unfinished works don’t have pages on Goodreads. Continue reading My Anticipated Reads for 2024

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TFS Progress Report

Greetings! It’s been a long time since I’ve written about The First Sin or anything to do with All Our Sins, so let’s see where things are at, shall we?

Just as a reminder, The First Sin is the first book in the All Our Sins series. I have public information about the series posted in the site’s appendix. The abbreviation I use for The First Sin is TFS and for All Our Sins it’s AOS. Continue reading TFS Progress Report

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Review: Skylark in the Fog

I was privileged to receive an eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Skylark in the Fog is a fabulous and unique space opera that I thoroughly enjoyed. The story is complex, with many layers that I’m certain will reveal new facets upon later rereadings. Skylark is definitely worth revisiting! The universe the book takes place in is rich and diverse. Helyna did a wonderful job creating a world that feels expansive and is highly detailed. There isn’t just one story lurking between the pages of this novel: the characters and places all have life to them, and they could all tell their own stories if given the chance. I’m hopeful to one day see even more material that does exactly that. Continue reading Review: Skylark in the Fog