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Review: Threads of Fate

Threads of Fate cover.Threads of Fate is a fantastic addition to the Unwritten Runes duology. A collection of short stories, it delves a little deeper into the lives of the characters readers came to know and love from The Goddess of Nothing At All and Epilogues for Lost Gods. The stories are, at times, heart wrenching, but also fun and spicy. I enjoyed them all, and it is too difficult to pick just one as my favorite. I definitely recommend this book!

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Review: Epilogues for Lost Gods

I was privileged to receive an eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Epilogues for Lost Gods is the sequel to Goddess of Nothing At All and covers the aftermath of GoNAA, as told from both Sigyn’s and Loki’s point of view. Definitely read GoNAA first in order to properly enjoy what EfLG has to offer. Continue reading Review: Epilogues for Lost Gods