The Best Laid Plans
In 2021 I posted a couple of articles outlining changes to my shop and business plan. The second post talked about how I planned to focus only on one colorway at a time, among other things.
In practice, some of those plans didn’t work out. I ended up feeling like I wanted to provide a variety of colorways all the time so I never did focus on dyeing only one colorway per month. And then! I found a course that seemed perfect for helping me really focus my business and get things on the right track. So dyeing ended up going to the back burner while I worked on the course. It was actually a great decision. The things I’ve learned so far have been invaluable.
I also decided that the shop website I had wasn’t going to cut it anymore, and put a LOT of time into redesigning it into what you see now. I am much happier with the site overall and will keep working to improve it as time goes on.
New Shipping options
Best of all! Recently, I switched shipping vendors. Instead of having to drive an hour each way to reach the vendor (and only being able to do so on Fridays), I can now ship basically immediately (within 1-3 business days).
BONUS: I now offer vacuum sealed shipping to Canadian customers on orders weighing up to 500g. Vacuum sealed shipping does not come with tracking but you save a bundle on cost instead. If you prefer to have tracking, a regular parcel option is still available too.
What’s the biggest change in the shop? I now offer SOCK KITS! Get a full 100g skein and a 20g mini in predetermined combos for less than the cost of buying the skeins individually. I plan to widen my offerings of sock kits as time goes on, as fingering weight yarn is where I’ll be putting my focus now.
Still Phasing out Dream and Solitude
Yes, Dream and Solitude will still be phased out. The existing supply of Dream skeins are all posted in the shop right now, while the rest of the Solitude stock is still to come. Once they’re gone, I’ll only offer Journey and Fearless exclusively.
Will I add any new fingering weight bases? I guess it depends on the blends I can get access to and how well they dye up. Demand would also have to be there. What kind of blends do you like to work with? Let me know in the comments!
Blogging more
Getting back into blogging is something I hope to get better at now that the website is finished. The Iron Dragon Yarn blog will contain articles about my crafting adventures and anything else having to do with yarn that I think is worth writing about. :) What kind of content would you like to see from me? Let me know in the comments!
Happy stitching.
Yarn Shop Open for Business!
On June 28, 2020, Incyanity was rebranded as aka Iron Dragon. Read the announcement. That’s ri
A New Venture: Incyanity Yarn!
On June 28, 2020, Incyanity was rebranded as aka Iron Dragon. Read the announcement. I have a lot of
Incyanity Yarn Update
On June 28, 2020, Incyanity was rebranded as aka Iron Dragon. Read the announcement. I originally an
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