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TFS Progress Report

Greetings! It’s been a long time since I’ve written about The First Sin or anything to do with All Our Sins, so let’s see where things are at, shall we?

Just as a reminder, The First Sin is the first book in the All Our Sins series. I have public information about the series posted in the site’s appendix. The abbreviation I use for The First Sin is TFS and for All Our Sins it’s AOS. Continue reading TFS Progress Report

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Review: Skylark in the Fog

I was privileged to receive an eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Skylark in the Fog is a fabulous and unique space opera that I thoroughly enjoyed. The story is complex, with many layers that I’m certain will reveal new facets upon later rereadings. Skylark is definitely worth revisiting! The universe the book takes place in is rich and diverse. Helyna did a wonderful job creating a world that feels expansive and is highly detailed. There isn’t just one story lurking between the pages of this novel: the characters and places all have life to them, and they could all tell their own stories if given the chance. I’m hopeful to one day see even more material that does exactly that. Continue reading Review: Skylark in the Fog

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Review: Epilogues for Lost Gods

I was privileged to receive an eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Epilogues for Lost Gods is the sequel to Goddess of Nothing At All and covers the aftermath of GoNAA, as told from both Sigyn’s and Loki’s point of view. Definitely read GoNAA first in order to properly enjoy what EfLG has to offer. Continue reading Review: Epilogues for Lost Gods

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Review: Iron Widow

What a ride!

The word to describe this book is definitely “rage”. The story is amazingly well done and portrayed so well that I could visualize what was going on almost as if I was watching an anime. I would certainly love to see Iron Widow turned into an animated movie, especially because the special effects would be able to bring the Chrysalises to life so well.

The story gripped me from the first page. I immediately liked all the characters, but especially Shimin. I gasped out loud several times and enjoyed how the writing was so unapologetic about the material it covered. I can’t wait to find out what happens next!

Five stars!

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Happy New Year!

Happy 2022! I hope you’re getting this year off to as best a start as you can, despite the pandemic.

If it’s been a while since you’ve been to my website, you’re probably wondering, What the heck? Yes, it’s had a makeover! This actually happened at the end of November. 2021 presented me with some challenges, and in the end, I decided to pivot from yarn dyeing to focusing on my writing. The yarn shop is still up and still has skeins in it for sale, but for the time being I’ll be stepping back from dyeing unless I happen to have some spare time and feel in the mood for it. Continue reading Happy New Year!

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Review: The Left Hand of Destiny Book One

Gowron and Martok are my favorite Trek characters, so when I learned there was a book co-authored by J.G. Hertzler (Martok’s actor) that specifically continued the character’s journey post DS9, I had to give it a go.

The book is an excellent exploration of who Martok is and where his priorities lie. Sirella continues to be the insufferable snob she was in DS9 and I have no idea why any man in the universe would choose to be married to her, never mind consider her to be “magnificent”, but this just goes to show that Hertzler and Lang really took her portrayal in DS9 to heart and ran with it. All of the other characters are likewise portrayed faithfully, and I think they did an excellent job.

The inciting incident and subsequent upheaval for the Empire is gut-wrenching if you’re a klingon nerd (which I am). There are lots of interesting cultural tidbits thrown in that were never revealed in either TNG or DS9. All in all it’s a wonderful adventure. My biggest disappointment was getting to the end and finding out that it wasn’t the end…because at the time I had no idea there was a book two!

Five stars!